BOOKS and BOOKS and MULTITUDE of TEXT BOOKS. As never ending as it sounds, words have been inscribed in numerous of languages and formats since our ancestors were here. "Why on earth do we have to face text books everyday? Why read text books for exams? Do they even give us any benefits? Why can't i just close my eyes and do the exams?"; these are the question that you might utter when you see such books right ESPECIALLY your text books. How absurd this might sound, have you ever wondered what real benefits and interesting outcomes when you read and study for exams? I know that it might be frustrating at times when reading pages filled with words and are in black and white. Even though it is being printed out in colours and with pictures that were initiated to keep the readers going, a minority class of people still don't appreciate the hard work that has been put to produce such colourful text books that makes people to understand better and score better during exam. I'm not biased or anything BUT guess what? I used to disregard books. Regarding them as useless piece of garbage that waste papers and cut down more trees. I may sound like an Eco friendly person right? Well, at least i don't buy furs or do anything that pollutes the environment. This question may arise in your mind, even if so, IT MAY SOMEHOW still arise, "How on earth then I came to appreciate my school text books isn't it?"
********************************on 2009********************************
during my SPM year, yes! I was scared to death. Well, on the year 2008. I use to slack like a slug. Worst then a slug i presume. Coming back to the main point, I wasted pretty much of my time during my form 4, year 2008. I use to scribble my books like my diary and highlight them for no reason. YES! I can be that lifeless. Not shocking to you i hope.
"Stop scribbling your text books Jesseca. Ai yo yo! JESSSSEEECCAAAA!!!!!!" screamed my friend.
"Why? Anyway, once we are done with it, we are going to sell them or throw away the books right? Who cares? I am so lazy LA!" I replied.
"Then why do you have a text book for? For fun is it. You don't want to study is it? Just leave school. No point staying in school and sleep and going back when school ends right! JUST THROW ALL YOUR TEXTBOOK AWAY AND DON'T NEED TO STUDY" she muttered.
"Owh. If I get pass enough already right?" I answered rudely.
"Well, if you keep up with this attitude. Do you think you will succeed in life? What if you were working now? You still want to keep up with this attitude. Everyone is moving forward and you are just dozing of MENTALLY!" she shouted back.
"I'll get to do something somehow? I won't fail. ALL that matters is that a D will be fine," I fought back.
"Imagine yourself getting straight D's and everyone getting straight A's!" she said with a twitch on her cheeks
********************* I WAS SPEECHLESS******************
Damn she hit me hard on my head. Then i apologize to her for being such a "smart-ass." Then, she taught me how study and value the text book any work books as something precious. From that day onwards, there was this fire of willing to do something that ignited within me. I was hunger for the thirst of knowledge. I was determined to study. I worked hard and smart. That is the fact why i ALWAYS DO MY ASSIGNMENTS right after i get it. I always fear that I will be left behind and everyone will regard me as inferior. I am not a bright student BUT i can admit that I am a hardworking student. My SPM result was fairly good enough as I almost got the same amount of A's compared to the second class. The product of my hard work thus was a rewarding gift BUT i knew that If I ever did worked harder, I wouldn't have come to face such great challenges in life.
Value your TEXT BOOKS, EXAMS, LECTURERS and THE SUBJECT as something very precious like how you value your diamonds and golds. NOTHING could be compared to knowledge as knowledge is a very valuable thing in life. That is why, in order to succeed. We have to study hard, aim high and finish all our work beforehand. Fairly enough, if the people notice your spirit, IMAGINE how wonderful your employer will notice your spirit to in the near future. "Time and tide waits for no man" as the old adage goes, why don't you start working hard now so that life will be much simpler or maybe harder. Depends on what choices we make though.
''Rome was not build in one day" is thus applicable in one's life. In comparison, a successful man didn't come about by chance, a great deal or hardship they had to face. For example, how long did it took for Thomas Edison to create a single light bulb? MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED ATTEMPTS. Have you ever thought of that. Your telephone, Alexandre Graham Bell? Needless of the amount of inventors we know, have we come to know about their past?
Hence, the lesson that we can learn is (oh my gosh. I sound like a teacher) ANYWAY... study hard, work hard and P.L.A.Y. HARD in the end.
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