" Ist es whar? Ist es whar? daR du stets dort in dem Laub-gang an der...." as the songstress sang on while the concerto goes. Fingers bended, mind relaxed, phalanges on placed, a key was played, a symphony of sounds emerged.
The girl wooed the crowd. Her mind spins wildly. Her eyes darting around the keys. Every corner she touched. Her body swayed as the music flowed. Her eyes shut! Tears of joy i presume filled her. The spirit in her merrily celebrated. Satisfaction overwhelmed her. No trace of emotion could be seen. As the last note ended, her eyes opened.
"Stop dreaming and play properly!" a voice out of no where shot out.
I came back to reality
*** coming back to reality***
Great! that's what I thought for my teacher interrupted me. She's a maestro at heart. A cold clothe she displayed but deep down within her, she was the best. One in million woman where everyone wanted. She hopes for the best in others, giving inspiration and hardcore training was what she did best. Yes! She was my piano teacher.
I grew up with her, trying to please her, a smile only filled her impassive face i knew. Never whined if she corrected me because she knows what's best for me. The traces of veins could be seen visibly. All the tender years of age she worked hard until she got where she wanted. I said to myself. "Practice Makes Perfect!" Well, how can anyone say that a student will become slow at at achieving his goals if he is not for wrong-doings. The feign concept of sparing a rod and not correcting his ways turn back the responsibility of disciplining a student. Moreover, everyone should remember that we no longer live in a barbaric world where meager is at premium and realize that a student will become lazy if the teacher gave in to his every whim and fancy. Consequently, never guiding a student is only a cover up for the teacher's lacking in disciplining skills. Since there are indeed many ways to mould a student, my teacher was the second best after my mum. She taught with kindness and patient with a certain level degree of strictness. there was a certain balance when being nice and strict.
"To play well is not being gifted. Even though you were not born with a gifted hands! At least, make an effort to inspire others with this talent that you build up!" she advised me.
-this was actually told to me a few years back.
Hearing those words build me up. Every wise sayings that are poured out to me always are inculcated in my heart. Hence, these holidays, I practiced my piano skill more vigilantly so that I will be sharper. Mould the world with my music if I could. If i had the ability to, I want to inspire others to take up music as I did. I communicate with my music. I tell a story. Everything I did, I became more n depth with my music. Everyday of my miserable life, only the piano could lift my spirit up with the sound that it produces. My holidays will be a delightful one as i was eager to improve my skills, learn new song and among others. I hope that I will be able to perform my music and boast my skills in pride. Never looking back, only when i first started. With all the struggles and tears that i went through and had to cope, I am blessed that I had these hands, a perfect hands to play the piano. As Helen Keller once said, "For as you dream, you shall become"
My holidays will be filled with harmony. A music that changes moods. My mood in particular. To get to my destination figuratively. The goals I want to achieve in life. A heart and soul, sharing my music with other. Filling up my sad days and good days. Also, my upcoming days. Holidays is always the best time for me to brush up my music. A symphony of sounds, a concerto, or just a simple tune can just motivate me to do anything in my everyday life. I cannot imagine myself during holidays without my piano, even i lifetime. That will definitely be the worst torture that I will come to face. Rare of sight, rare in mind I never assume that piano is just a mere instrument. It's my life. My holidays will be and always be a musical one. No matter what the world is heading to right now, shopping at a mall, watching the television, loitering at the "mamak" stalls, you can always find me at the back of the piano. Fingers slididng and gilddding across the streams of keys.
Till my the end of my holidays, I will take every opportunity to play a concerto at the very least. Not knowing when I won't be able to lend a hand on my beloved statue childlike instrument, yes my piano! I will play non-stop but not fanatically.
This is how my journey will be. A premonition of the future. My holidays. A musical holiday.
The girl wooed the crowd. Her mind spins wildly. Her eyes darting around the keys. Every corner she touched. Her body swayed as the music flowed. Her eyes shut! Tears of joy i presume filled her. The spirit in her merrily celebrated. Satisfaction overwhelmed her. No trace of emotion could be seen. As the last note ended, her eyes opened.
"Stop dreaming and play properly!" a voice out of no where shot out.
I came back to reality
*** coming back to reality***
Great! that's what I thought for my teacher interrupted me. She's a maestro at heart. A cold clothe she displayed but deep down within her, she was the best. One in million woman where everyone wanted. She hopes for the best in others, giving inspiration and hardcore training was what she did best. Yes! She was my piano teacher.
I grew up with her, trying to please her, a smile only filled her impassive face i knew. Never whined if she corrected me because she knows what's best for me. The traces of veins could be seen visibly. All the tender years of age she worked hard until she got where she wanted. I said to myself. "Practice Makes Perfect!" Well, how can anyone say that a student will become slow at at achieving his goals if he is not for wrong-doings. The feign concept of sparing a rod and not correcting his ways turn back the responsibility of disciplining a student. Moreover, everyone should remember that we no longer live in a barbaric world where meager is at premium and realize that a student will become lazy if the teacher gave in to his every whim and fancy. Consequently, never guiding a student is only a cover up for the teacher's lacking in disciplining skills. Since there are indeed many ways to mould a student, my teacher was the second best after my mum. She taught with kindness and patient with a certain level degree of strictness. there was a certain balance when being nice and strict.
"To play well is not being gifted. Even though you were not born with a gifted hands! At least, make an effort to inspire others with this talent that you build up!" she advised me.
-this was actually told to me a few years back.
Hearing those words build me up. Every wise sayings that are poured out to me always are inculcated in my heart. Hence, these holidays, I practiced my piano skill more vigilantly so that I will be sharper. Mould the world with my music if I could. If i had the ability to, I want to inspire others to take up music as I did. I communicate with my music. I tell a story. Everything I did, I became more n depth with my music. Everyday of my miserable life, only the piano could lift my spirit up with the sound that it produces. My holidays will be a delightful one as i was eager to improve my skills, learn new song and among others. I hope that I will be able to perform my music and boast my skills in pride. Never looking back, only when i first started. With all the struggles and tears that i went through and had to cope, I am blessed that I had these hands, a perfect hands to play the piano. As Helen Keller once said, "For as you dream, you shall become"
My holidays will be filled with harmony. A music that changes moods. My mood in particular. To get to my destination figuratively. The goals I want to achieve in life. A heart and soul, sharing my music with other. Filling up my sad days and good days. Also, my upcoming days. Holidays is always the best time for me to brush up my music. A symphony of sounds, a concerto, or just a simple tune can just motivate me to do anything in my everyday life. I cannot imagine myself during holidays without my piano, even i lifetime. That will definitely be the worst torture that I will come to face. Rare of sight, rare in mind I never assume that piano is just a mere instrument. It's my life. My holidays will be and always be a musical one. No matter what the world is heading to right now, shopping at a mall, watching the television, loitering at the "mamak" stalls, you can always find me at the back of the piano. Fingers slididng and gilddding across the streams of keys.
Till my the end of my holidays, I will take every opportunity to play a concerto at the very least. Not knowing when I won't be able to lend a hand on my beloved statue childlike instrument, yes my piano! I will play non-stop but not fanatically.
This is how my journey will be. A premonition of the future. My holidays. A musical holiday.
"I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think" by Rumi