Music. Rock, Pop, House, Dance, Jazz, Classical, Oldies, Romantic. Is that all it is? What is music? Many people only regard it as only songs. What about the sounds around us? Aren't they also music to our ears? Maybe not. Let me prove you wrong. Why? Let's see.
The sound of nature, the waves hitting against the rocks, the birds chirping on a tree and among others. YOU classify them as sounds or noise, but to the minority of people, they are regard as music. Even the sound that is produced from an instrument; regardless of anything. For example, a piano or a violin. Every sound that is produced by such an instrument will in turn transform in to a piece of music. A pleasure to the ear, the heart, the soul and the mind
Music reaches to the very deep things until the human soul. It touches our heart. It can break us or make us. It depends how we put it in a perspective. The music that we hear, scientist nor musicologist can explain why music is so appealing to the ear. How gracious it is to have music in our life and able to experience it. Like "ringing bells in the ear," it can cut through us deeply. Music can motivate us in our life. Music can influence us greatly. Music can make us get up and sing. Music can make us dance. Music can make us do anything that a person can never imagine in their life before.
Music changed my life. I use to regard it as only entertainment to the ear or to release BUT when i got in depth of music and gained the knowledge of it, i learned to live that music can affect a person as a whole and not just live the visibility of it. IT changed me, it took charged of me. I live for music. PAIN, HURT, ANGER, JOY, MYSTERIOUS, LOVE. Those emotions i could express them in my music. I wept, i smiled, i laughed as I played the piano. YES. I was influenced by the magic of piano. My passion for piano grew deeply every time a note is being played. IT WAS A WHOLE NEW BEGINNING OF MY LIFE. I never imagined that my life was basically like a musical piece. You start the journey and you end it. In comparison, when you start a piece, you have to end it or it will be hanging without any sense of direction. As the music proceeds, so is the mood, it doesn't stop until you reach the last phrase. I learned the piano at a very tender young age. I did not stop since then. At first, I just learned for the sake of it. Just to please my parents BUT as time proceeded and i gotten more matured, music was not a mere profession to please my parents but to please myself to. I got to see the true colours of music. In time, i spend most of my time on it and never did once I gave up at some point when I learned to experience the value of music. Priceless is the word that is much appropriate.
As eccentric as it sounds, I began to listen to orchestral songs, watch the Philharmonic orchestral and especially reading about the music prodigies such as Mozart. Everyone should experience NOT ONLY radio streams songs but also the golden age songs. It has more meaning and it portrays more values. When we see their struggles and painful history, this will help us to appreciate music even more. Relish every moment in life. A life worth living. Don't waste it by closing our ears.
Just like how i live for music, in comparison, that is how i live for music. It doesn't stop at any point, but it will mould us and evolve every second.
"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory" by Betty Smith
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